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"Introducing young people to the sport of ultimate"

Out of Bounds

After catching, if a player lands on, past or simultaneously on both sides of the sideline or end line (back of endzone) they are out of bounds.

If a player lands in bounds and then runs out of bounds, they keep the disc and should return to the court before attempting to pass.

If a player catches on the goal line, simultaneously on both sides of the goal line or before the goal line and they run in, they have not scored. The player should return to the goal line before attempting a pass.

** If a player jumps from inside the court, catches and throws the disc in mid air, then it doesn’t matter where they land **

Where to restart play | Want to play more? | Pulls and Bricks | Don't stand too close | Self-Officiating | Travel | Out of Bounds | Substitutions | Stall Count