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"Introducing young people to the sport of ultimate"

Where to start play after a turn over

After a turn over, where the new offence starts depends on where the turnover happened.

If the disc is in the endzone your team is defending, play can start where the disc is or on the goal line closest to where the disc is.

If the disc is in the endzone your team is attacking, play starts from the goal line closest to where the disc is.

If the disc crossed the sideline (either on the ground or in the air), play starts where the disc crossed sideline.

If the disc crossed the back line of the endzone (either on the ground or in the air), play starts on the goal closest to where the disc crossed the back line.

Other than that, play starts where the disc was intercepted, picked up or comes to a stop.

Where to restart play | Want to play more? | Pulls and Bricks | Don't stand too close | Self-Officiating | Travel | Out of Bounds | Substitutions | Stall Count